Excerpt #1: In Years of Yore.

In years of yore, in the distant years of yore,

In nights of yore, in the far-off nights of yore,

In years of yore, in the distant years of yore,

When necessary things had been brought into manifest existence,

When the necessary things had been for the first time set in order,

When bread had been tasted for the first time in the shrines of the Land,

When the ovens of the Land had been made to work,

When the heavens had been separated from earth,

When earth had been delimited from the heavens,

When the fame of mankind had been established,

When An had taken the heavens for himself,

When Enlil had taken the earth for himself,

When the netherworld had been given to Ereshkigal as a gift.


        So begins the Sumerian epic tale Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Netherworld, from the third millennium, more than five thousand years ago. These words were written in a language that we are only now beginning to understand, by people with no knowledge of, concept of, or real need for the internal combustion engine or other modern technologies. What could they have written that would be of interest, that would be of use, to us today? This book explores the ancient myths of Sumer, Egypt, Akkad, and other cultures to see how modern men and women, as we now live our lives, can benefit from ancient words.

            The authors contend that these ancient myths, which form the basis of present-day Western culture and beliefs, have much to provide us in the way of knowing ourselves, or the Self.  The myths offer insights into who we are, who we might become, where we might strive to go, and how we might begin an effort to get there. Throughout our exploration, we invite the reader to look with fresh eyes at what might seem to be familiar tales. In the end, we hope that these myths will offer new life, meaning, and usefulness to each reader for his or her own explorations, internal and external.
